Information Feminising Genital Operations

On this page you will find an overview of information about feminizing and demasculinizing genital surgery.
We encourage you to review all of the information on this page to get a full picture of the different treatment options and the process surrounding them. Click on the start button to start at the beginning of the information.

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Social and mental support

Where can you find reliable information about social and mental support? Read it here

No operation (yet)

Are you still in doubt about whether or not to have genital surgery, or are you on the waiting list? In the meantime, you can take certain steps towards your transition.


Why is it important to think about fertility early on when you start the transition phase? Read it here.

Preparing for the genital operation

To qualify for genital surgery, you must be well informed and meet a number of criteria.

Orchidectomy (testicles removal)

The orchidectomy is a surgery in which both testicles are removed. But how does the surgery go and what does the recovery involve? Read about it here!


The vulvoplasty is a feminizing genital surgery that creates a shallow vagina. Here you can read all about the surgery and recovery period.


Vaginoplasty involves creating a vaginal cavity with depth. Depending on your physical characteristics (and desires), the technique will be determined.


What does the recovery period look like after being discharged from the hospital? Here, you can read about the best way to take care of yourself and what you can do to speed up the healing process.


Dilating is necessary to keep your new vagina open and deep if you have chosen for a vaginoplasty. Read about what exactly dilating entails here.


Do you want to undergo genital surgery abroad? Then make sure you are informed in advance about what is going on in that country.

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GenderAid: De Keuzehulp voor Genitale Genderchirurgie

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S. E. Mokken, M. D. van Eick

Afdeling Plastische, Reconstructieve- en Handchirurgie

Kennis- en Zorgcentrum Genderdysforie

Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc | 4D118

De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, Nederland


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